How to develop in Lash & Brow industry together with BROWXENNA community, to triple your income and to rise to stardom
Become a part of the communityBROWXENNA TEAM
Professionals Community
Thousands of professionals from all over the world are ready to share their experience and knowledge with newcomers.
Acquiring of Knowledge
LB Expert is a portal, a system of knowledge and continuous learning, with constant updating access to materials from the Lash & Brow best trainers and speakers.
Professional Development Center
50+ training courses, webinars and seminars on eyebrows, eyelashes, microblading, promotion, personal branding, products and much more.
Business Partner
A business partner that helps masters and trainers to sell and earn money on services, knowledge and experience, on the sale of Levchuk Group materials and products.
Become part of the BROWXENNA TEAM
BrowXenna® Artists
BrowXenna® Artists are eyebrow artists who work with BrowXenna® products and meet BrowXenna® quality standards. Every BrowXenna® Artist gets a special logo which later is to put on Artist's professional pictures. The logo confirms that the Artist is an expert and has eyebrow shape building skills, knows perfectly the technology of working with the product and its color.
BrowXenna® Brand Trainer
BrowXenna® Brand Trainers are official trainers of BrowXenna® brand, who host workshops: "BrowXenna® Shape&Color" and "BrowXenna® Lamination and long-term blow".
We have two stages of certification – Top Artist and Brand Trainer. At the fist stage, you will receive a brand name, which you can place on the photo, as well as a possibility to buy Starter kit with good discount and a certificate. At the second stage, you will receive a discount on the purchase of products and all materials and knowledge for conducting Shape&color course.
How to become BrowXenna® Top Artist
First step to become the member of our community - post in your instagram at least 20 works performed on our products (Browxenna).
It would be great if you left tags and hashtags. For example, the work is done on products @brownenna, @browxenna #browhenna, #browxenna, #browxennateam
After that: We will evaluate your works
After receiving the works, your supervisor assesses the level of professionalism and gives his opinion. At a positive assessment you can become our Top Artist!
This step is not required, but you have the opportunity to purchase a set of products with 35% discount or buy what you do not have enough in the work.
BrowXenna® Top Artist’s Benefits
- You don’t pay a fee to join the community!
- You will have a 35% discount on your first order as a Top Master.
- We will provide you with all the marketing materials for your social networks: Catalogs, POS, photos, videos. logos, FAQs and Presentations
- You will be invited to the BrowXenna Team chat room with our foreign trainers and masters, where everyone shares theirs experience and asks questions.
- You'll get 24/7 support from our brand (Help with workshops promotion, events promotion, etc...) You will have special Top Master’s discount on our products.
How to become BrowXenna® Brand Trainer
1. Online pre-test
The candidate does the eyebrow architecture procedure online, demonstrating their skills or sends a video recording of the demonstration. The coach evaluates the skill of the master and gives a conclusion in the evaluation sheet.
2. The coaching course
After pretest, master reserves a convenient date of the coaching course Shape&Color BrowXenna, it goes with the coach. Training lasts about 3-4 hours.
3. Examination
After passing the coaching course, the candidate can sign up for a convenient date of passing the oral exam. Also in the exam is included demonstration of the procedure by the coach. It can be online or in advance, before the exam, can be provided in video. A positive result shall entitle the coach to teach authors courses of the brand, Shape&Color BrowXenna.
BrowXenna® Brand Trainer’s Benefits
- You will be represented on our official website, where students are looking for Trainers all over the world.
- You will have the opportunity to teach students using our methodology.
- We guarantee a support on Instagram (Advertising your courses, masterclasses, etc.).
- You will have an exclusive Trainer’s discount on our products.
- When you start training students - we don't take any percentage from your sales. (Your work = your money)
- Only Trainers can buy our exclusive Starter kits for their students, which includes a large number of our products, Workbook, our international certificate.
- You'll get 24/7 support from our brand (Help with workshops promotion, events promotion, etc...)
- You will be in the general chat room of our foreign trainers and masters, where everyone shares theirs experience and asks questions
Starter kits for your students
Kits for BrowXenna® Brand Trainer
Feedback from our partners
BROWXENNA Certified Trainer
Hello! Yesterday I completed my first Shape & Color BH training. Thank you for helping me, for your advices and support. The first step was not troublesome, if only a little bit ... for technical reasons, the book did not synchronize with TV, and slides had to be shown from the laptop ... Also, three people were planned, however only two people came. Now I will correct the mistakes, and next time I'll do even better
BROWXENNA Certified Trainer
I wish to thank you for traveling to Poland as an assistant of Anya Samovicheva ... The training lasted 4 days; Polish masters instructed how to correct and color the eyebrows, to design the beard. For me it was a huge experience, which gave me one more push for development. There are many new ideas, which I will implement.

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